Install Cent OS packages on Red Hat Linux

You might have installed RHEL operating system, but you should have registered to Red Hat Network for using its repository. In such case, you will not be able to use yum and not all packages are easy to install from source (especially if the package has plenty of dependencies !). Thankfully, you can make CentOS repository on RHEL machines and then yum to resolve those dependencies automatically.

First you need to add the CentOS repository, create this file using your favorite text editor:

[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos.repo

Adding the following contents, note the ‘5’ has to be hardcoded to either 5 or 6 depending on your RHEL version.

name=CentOS $releasever – $basearch

Once you’ve completed this step, you can now use “yum” to install CentOS packages.

How to enable Cloud Fare on VPS


1. SSH to the server in which you need to install CloudFlare plugin.

2. Enter the cPanel basic directory:

cd /usr/local/cpanel

3. Download the tar file to your server.

curl -k -L > cloudflare.tar.gz

4. Untar the file

tar -zxvf cloudflare.tar.gz

5. This will extracts a directory which includes a UNIQUE_ID. The sample format of this will be as follows:


Here w40bbb3 is the UNIQUE_ID.

cd cloudflare-CloudFlare-CPanel-UNIQUE_ID/cloudflare

6. Execute the install script in the following format:

./install_cf API_HOST_KEY mod_cf “Your Company Name”

API_HOST_KEY – You will get this from your CloudFlare panel.

Your Company name – You can give your hostname here.

mod_cf is optional. If set, the installer will also try to install mod_cloudflare

That’s it!!! Now, you will be able to see an icon for “CloudFlare” in all your cPanel accounts.