Easy way to Test the Listening Ports on Windows Systems

A nice tool that you can use is Microsoft’s free PortQueryUI. It provides a GUI for the portqry.exe command-line tool, which is installed by default on recent Windows OS versions.

  1. Run portqueryui.exe.
  2. In the Port Query dialog box, enter the destination IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name(FQDN) to query. In this case, you can enter or localhost.
  3. Select Manually input query ports and type 443 in the Ports to query field. (By default, TCP is selected in the Protocol drop-down list).
  4. Click the Query button. The status of port 443 is displayed in the bottom pane of the Port Query dialog box.
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Author: Chathura Ariyadasa

♚Father ♚Innovative Technical Architect ♚ Cyber Security Strategist ♞ vCISO | vCIO ♞ Blogger & an Adrenaline junkie...