When you enable and configure Active Directory authentication on Horizon DaaS Tenants, the horizonlocaladmin account gets disabled. In case if AD account is not working, the only option is to enable horizonlocaladmin account.
We will look at how we can disable horizonlocaladmin account.
NOTE: All the commands are in Bold Italic
Log into the primary tenant appliance through SSH
Connect to the fabric database psql -U admin -d fdb
View the registered domains using select * from domain;
To delete the domains, issue the command delete * from domain;
You also need to need to delete the Identity sources from AVDB database
psql -U avadmin -d avdb
View the registered identity sources using select * from xms_identity_services;
Then, delete the identity sources with Delete * from xms_identity_services;
Again, connect back to the fabric database psql -U admin -d fdb
Finally, enable the horizonlocaladmin account by issuing the below command
update fabric_properties set value=’true’ where name=’local.account.enabled’;
You can safely access the DaaS Service center and Reset the tenant password as per your preference.