WSUS won’t uninstall or re-install

  • WSUS 3.0 SP2 is missing SQL server Express or has been damaged somehow.
  • When opening WSUS you receive a SQL error when trying to connect.
  • You cannot uninstall WSUS. An attempt to uninstall/re-install fails with an error.
  • The event log shows event id: 1034 with “Removal success or error status: 1603”


  1. Open REGEDIT in and locate: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\UpdateServices\ServerSetup.
  2. Change the value of “wYukonInstalled” to 0x0 (zero) and ensure that the value of “SqlInstanceIsRemote” is oxo [hexa] (zero) [decimal].
  3. Download and run the WSUS 3.0 SP2 installer. You should now be able to remove the product using the installer. Select none of the check boxes (to remove database, logs or updates), we can remove these manually later.
  4. Run the WSUS 3.0 SP2 installer again and (this time it should allow you to install). Install the Full product including management console.
  5. Select the option to use an existing database server.
  6. It should find the Internal Database you installed and configured.
  7. Step through the WSUS configuration wizard.
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Author: Chathura Ariyadasa

♚Father ♚Innovative Technical Architect ♚ Cyber Security Strategist ♞ vCISO | vCIO ♞ Blogger & an Adrenaline junkie...